Childcare at Stride Elementary

Burnaby, BC

Playful and functional indoor-outdoor learning environment for early-childhood education


Classroom modules provide each age group direct access to ample outdoor play space with natural play elements while landscape designs that are tailored to each site thoughtfully tie the building modules into the surrounding school grounds.


The original intention of the project was to leverage the advantages of modular prefabrication to save the client time and money. However, when it came time execute the childcare centre, it became clear that the modular factories were backlogged and would not be able to deliver the project on time. In response, our team pivoted and revised the design to be site-built. As a result, the building was delivered on time and on budget, without compromising the quality of the facility.

Client: City of Burnaby
Location: Burnaby, BC: Unceded territory of the hən̓̓qəmin̓əm̓ and Sḵwx̱wú7mesh speaking peoples
Completion: 2021
Team: Principle Architecture with Local Practice (Architecture), Aspect (Structural), Rocky Point Engineering (Mechanical), Enns Gauthier Landscape (Landscape ), WEB Engineering (Civil)